The Digital Smile Centre is an initiative of the Indian Dental Association (IDA) to assist dental professionals to create the perfect smile for patients, taking into account their individual anatomy as well as preferences. Our vision is to deliver optimal oral health to patients in the most accurate and futuristic manner.

This is the introduction of a new era of patient-centric, digital technology-enabled, outcome-driven, and prevention-focused oral healthcare with the Digital Smile Centre.

Smiling is one of the most natural and instinctive things we do and often one of the first things people notice.

Thus, the Indian Dental Association (IDA) has introduced the ‘Digital Smile Centre’ Initiative which involves revolutionary technology to help patients achieve a more ‘symmetrical and beautiful smile’ without going through unnecessary dental procedures.

The perfect smile is designed digitally for patients by generating a digital mock-up of their updated smile prior to the physical treatment. The whole concept is based on analysing a patient’s facial and dental proportions using a series of digital videos and a set of high-quality digital photographs to map the relationship of teeth, gums, lips, smile, jaws, facial features in motion and emotion.

Based on video and photographic facial aesthetic analysis of the patient a customized 3D treatment plan is created for the patient who sees the final position of the teeth prior to the treatment. This permits the patient and dental professional to see how the new smile will look in a number of situations and emotional states, helping to design a perfect smile.


The association's vision is to improve oral health and quality of life and achieve optimal national oral health for all through the latest, most sophisticated and minimalistic treatment alternatives.


Need for Digital Smile Centre

Patients in this era of high aesthetics need a beautiful and confident smile, along with faster, predictable and custom-tailored treatment for each patient. People who are unhappy with their smile will benefit from the digital smile centre. The digital smile centre addresses a wide variety of dental issues, from minor imperfections to major bite and alignment issues. In addition, this technology can help improve the function of the teeth and jaws.

The Digital smile centre addresses the following dental problems:

  • Crooked teeth not aligned properly can be improved by designing a new, straighter smile with braces or aligners, crowns, veneers, gingival procedures, etc.

  • Midline diastemas or the space between two front teeth in the midline can be corrected with dental crowns.

  • Teeth with dental erosion due to intake of acidic foods and drinks, stomach acid from vomiting or GERD, dry mouth, or teeth grinding. Digital Smile Centre can help address damaged teeth by designing a new and improved smile that protects the teeth from further erosion.

  • A gummy smile exposing too much gum tissue on smiling can be corrected by designing a better smile which shows less gum tissue.

  • Chipped teeth can be treated with Dental Veneers, Laminates, or crowns.

  • Missing teeth because of decay, gum disease, or injury can be replaced by dental implants or bridges.

  • Stained teeth due to smoking, eating and drinking highly-pigmented foods and drinks, or taking certain medications can be helped by designing a new smile by bleaching or with dental veneers or laminates.

  • Teeth crowding due to lack of space can be corrected by designing a new smile with braces or clear aligners.

  • Worn or attrited teeth resulting from grinding or acid erosion can be changed by designing a smile with veneers or dental crowns.

  • Craze lines on teeth can be treated with dental veneers.

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Goals of Digital Smile Designing

The goal of an aesthetic makeover is to digitally design and develop a peaceful and stable masticatory system, where the teeth, tissues, muscles, skeletal structures and joints all function in harmony.

It is very important that when planning treatment for aesthetics cases, smile design cannot be isolated from a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Achieving a successful, healthy and functional result requires an understanding of the interrelationship among all the supporting oral structures, including the muscles, bones, joints, gingival tissues and occlusion.

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